Practice with me from anywhere in the world! Enjoy moving & deepen your practice with expertly guided classes
MON: 1PM 30 Min Yoga Flow
WED: 1PM Pregnancy Yoga
email me for links to join
Yoga for Better Sleep
30 minutes of stretching to help prepare the body for sleep. Read my blog post about tips for quality sleep, and see further similar classes here.
Workshops & Overseas teaching
The world is our oyster
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What to expect in class
Come as you are - (if not now, when?)
Maggie's yoga classes focus on developing body- and self-awareness, as well as stability alongside mobility; you can expect a dynamic and grounding sequence, an inspiring soundtrack and verbal adjustments/ assists to ensure you get the most out of your practice. Her teaching is influenced by her yoga therapy studies, and her recent personal experience of becoming a mother. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to drop her a line.
Private, Pregnancy, Postnatal & Corporate Classes
Time & Place suited to your needs
Give yourself (or your company) the gift of specific attention to your needs. Suited to your level, your situation and your goals, enquire below to make this happen. The sooner you do it the sooner you will reap the benefits, not just in your yoga practice but all-around. In person or Online.